Day 23: Downhill
-8°C | Gentle/moderate breeze | Fair weather | |||
66.92356°N -48.34909°W | 1470 m | Distance today: 30 km | Total distance: 479 km of approx. 600km |
A speed of max. 7km/t and good skiing conditions, but nevertheless some very slow steep slopes to cover. Today we have booked our returntickets, planning to go by plane 4th of June. We´ll try to reach point 660 by Friday night. Or else there seems to be secret rumours telling that Kristine is dreaming of going Norway lengthwise on her own……
Join the competition if you like:
How many rolls of toilet paper do you think we have spent so far??
The prize will be a package of "Real Turmat".
Please leave your answer in the commentary square!
(The competition is closed by now!)
Postet: 29.05.2007
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