Day 3: Sunshine!
-10°C | Light air/light breeze | Sunny and blue sky! | |||
65.54789°N -38.97598°W | 1308 m | Distance today: 19km | Total distance: 52km of approx. 600km |
Woke up this morning looking at the blue sky after a rather chilly night. Sunny and warm weather the whole day through, calm wind. We´ve reached the top of the glacier ridge and further on is not that bad, compared to the steep slope we´ve done already. The skiing conditions looks fine. Some of us has got blisters, but elsewhere we´re in a good shape. Each person needs 4 liters of water, so it´s quite a job melting all that. We send our best wishes to family and friends, thanking you all for your nice greetings on the internet.
Postet: 09.05.2007
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